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Halawa bi Festok (Halawa Pistachio)
Brand: Mounir Bissat Factories (1904), Lebanon
Traditional pistachio halva. Made with sugar, ground sesame seeds, citric acid, pistachios. For breakfast and dessert. Delicious with markouk bread. Net Weight: 900 g.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Box (900 g)
Halawa bi Shokola (Halawa Chocolate)
Brand: Mounir Bissat Factories (1904), Lebanon
Chocolate halawa. Made from Sugar, ground sesame seeds, citric acid, chocolate, geranium natural flavor. For breakfast and dessert. Also called Halva. Net Weight: 900 g.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Box (900 g)
Halawe Seda (Plain Halawa)
Brand: Mounir Bissat Factories (1904), Lebanon
Made of sugar, ground sesame seeds, citric acid and geranium natural flavor. Have your halewe for breakfast and dessert. Delicious with Lebanese bread. Also called halva. Net Weight: 900 g.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Box (900 g)
Hamod Hosrom (Grape Verjuice)
Brand: Terroirs du Liban, Lebanon
Hamod el hosroum. Grapes verjuice is a condiment with a sour and delicate flavor. It is used in dressings for salads. Thanks to its strong taste, it can replace balsamic vinegar.

By 'Fair Trade Lebanon' NGO.
Weight: 1.1 Kgs.
Bottle (50 cl)