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Book: Beirut Bakery, by Rita-Maria Kordahi
Brand: N/A
Au travers de 80 recettes issues de la cuisine libanaise et classées par type de plats, Rita-Maria Kordahi vous invite à voyager entre Paris et Beyrouth.

Beirut Bakery est un service de catering parisien mêlant cuisine libanaise et parisienne contemporaine pour créer de nouvelles saveurs inédites!

Date de Publication: Octobre 2023
Weight: 1.2 Kgs.
Book: Comme À Beyrouth, by Alan Geaam
New Release
Brand: N/A
80 recettes.

Par les odeurs et saveurs, laissez-vous transporter par un petit bout du Liban...
Découvrez toute la richesse de la véritable cuisine libanaise avec des boissons, grillades et plats, boulangerie, desserts, ainsi que des classiques et recettes plus atypiques: houmous traditionnel, caviar de chou-fleur...

Immergez dans cette culture riche et colorée par les saveurs mais aussi par les reportages authentiques dans les rues libanaises.

Alan Geaam est un chef cuisinier de renom au parcours atypique. Sans avoir appris au sein de grandes cuisines gastronomiques, Alan a réussi à tracer sa route pleine de succès en autodidacte et est à présent chef étoilé.

Date de Publication: Novembre 2023
Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Book: Culinary Adventures, by Hanan Haddad
Brand: N/A
An everyday cookbook comprised of simple and tasty recipes for all, the aspiring cook to the seasoned kitchen regular.

Passionate about food since an early age, baking and cooking have been a constant in various phases of Hanan's life.

Organized according to meals, this book drives to the core of what cooking means to her - gathering people to break bread.

She loves to entertain and what better way to share her table than with a cookbook filled with the recipes she has collected from all her journeys and adventures?

Features recipes of soups & salads, cheese & veggies, meats & chicken, fish, sweets, drinks, savory pastries & breads.

Date de Publication: June 2022.
Weight: 1.7 Kgs.
Book: Fatina's Recipes Modern Cooking, by Fatina Daher
New Release
Brand: N/A
وصفات فاتنة. Bilingual cookbook in English and Arabic, featuring a modern collection of recipes crafted with love and simplicity.

Each dish includes a cherished memory, adding a personal touch to your culinary journey.

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner, this book offers something for everyone, blending traditional flavors with fresh, contemporary ideas.

Perfect for those seeking to explore diverse and delicious cuisines.

Date of Print: July 2024.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Forever Beirut, by Barbara Massaad, 2022
Brand: N/A
"Forever Beirut" Recipes and Stories from the Heart of Lebanon, is the new cookbook by bestselling author Barbara Massaad. Launched to support the Lebanese Food Bank and help families in dire need of food after the devastating blast and ensuing economic collapse.

Forever Beirut is a collection of 100 easy-to-prepare recipes that celebrate Beirut’s rich culinary heritage, its resilience, and healing power. It is Barbara’s way of honoring the city of her childhood, her dreams, her Lebanese family kitchen, and the food that roots her.

It is filled with stories and anecdotes about the customs, food, people, and traditions, with sections for soups, salads, breads and savory pastries, mezze, kibbeh, grilling, main dishes, pickles and preserves, and sweets.

Foreword by: Chef José Andrés).

256 pages. Published: Summer 2022.
Weight: 1.6 Kgs.
Book: Gourmet Table by Viviane Nasr Zoghbi
Brand: N/A
$30  $26
In this book, you will find everything you need for inviting family and friends at your table: Appetizers, starters, main courses, desserts and drinks. Simple and creative recipes impeccably tested that always work for all your invitations at any time. A first book of easy-to-cook recipes, fast, delicious and accessible to all!

I reveal to you my secrets and give you my best personalized tips for successful meals and desserts. The book consists of 15 menus and 150 recipes and is divided into four seasons. Each season offers 3 menus: brunch, lunch and dinner, based on the season's bounty. For all your occasions and celebrations from Christmas Eve to an afternoon tea gathering to your child's party, the most impressive recipes become easy and fast to cook!

Traditional lebanese recipes as well as a combination of International food. From the fattouch, hommos, moutabbal, quinoa salad,Greek salad, exotic salad, passing through the quiche Lorraine, salmon quiche, spinach quiche ending with the siyadieh, Kebbe bisayniyeh, leg of lamb, paella and much more. As for desserts, starting by simple every day cakes to the most sophisticated cakes like angel food cake, cheesecake passing through Christmas log and specifically the delicious Lebanese Knefe. Recipes that used to seem very difficult or complicated, take the form of simple recipes accessible to everyone.

300 pages. Date of Print: November 2016.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: La Cuisine Libanaise du Terroir by Cherine Yazbeck
Brand: N/A
Ce livre est une immersion dans le terroir Libanais sous forme de road movie culinaire. Il part à la rencontre des femmes et des hommes qui ont contribué à l'enrichissement de la gastronomie du Liban. Plus de 200 recettes du terroir dont certaines étaient jusqu'à présent méconnues ainsi que les grands classiques de la cuisine libanaise comme le mezzé.

Date de Publication: 2013.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: La Cuisine Libanaise Familiale, Nouhad Asseily
Brand: N/A
Par Nouhad Asseily.

250 recettes libanaises simples et succulentes destinées aussi bien pour les jeunes novices que pour les connaisseurs nostalgiques des saveurs d'antan.

350 pages. Septembre 2015.
Weight: 1.9 Kgs.
Book: La Cuisine Végétarienne Levantine, by Salma Hage, Livre
New Release
Brand: N/A
Après La Cuisine libanaise, Salma revient avec un hommage à une cuisine végétarienne audacieuse!

140 recettes facile à préparer, ensoleillées, aromatiques et aussi colorés que délicieuses. Du classique falafel à des plats plus originaux, reflets des particularités régionales, des pratiques religieuses et de la culture du Moyen-Orient. De quoi se donner l’eau à la bouche!

Venez admirez les belles photographies représentatives d’une cuisine généreuse et conviviale dans la tradition du partage de la table moyen-orientale.

Date of Publication: March 2024.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Le Grand Livre de la Cuisine Moyen-Orientale (Collectif)
Brand: N/A
Le livre de référence de la cuisine moyen-orientale ! 12 pays et plus de 180 recettes généreuses et authentiques: apéro et entrées, soupes, viandes, riz, légumes, féculents et desserts. Des infos sur l’origine des recettes, des astuces et des variantes.

De très nombreuses photos et des pas à pas pour maîtriser les gestes. Pour devenir un pro de la cuisine du Moyen-Orient, apporter une touche d’exotisme à votre table et varier les plaisirs.

Publication: Janvier 2023.
Weight: 2 Kgs.
Book: Levantine Harvest by Lara Ariss
Brand: Rawiya Editions
$47  $43
Extensive research led Lara Ariss to decide on the Levantine cuisine as the topic of her first cookbook. The choice was rather obvious given Lara’s Lebanese roots and her appreciation for fresh fruits and harvest, and the balanced food that abound in the Levantine cuisine.

The topic of Levantine Cuisine being wide,
Lara chose to tackle it from a specific angle — that of seasons. Furthermore, Lara’s extensive study of
Levantine recipes led her to realize that recipes are written in complex steps and language that need an
update that speaks to the modern lifestyle.

Hence, in addition to the seasons, Lara decided on simplicity:

-'Hummus With Sun-Dried Tomato Confit: Hummus bi Tahini is probably the best-known Middle
Eastern mezze staple, a creation of Levantine and Egyptian Arabs. In this recipe, I have moved away from the traditional Lebanese topping — fried chopped or minced lamb meat with pine nuts and olive oil — to
an equally delicious, vegetarian friendly-version.'
(P. 72).

-'Pumpkin Kebbeh: This popular vegan version of kebbeh, which does away with fresh minced lamb,
was initially created for lent. In the past, preparing kebbeh was a laborious process that involved pounding the main ingredient, usually the meat, and the burghul (cracked wheat) in a mortar and pestle.' (P. 132).

208 pages. Published in 2016.

Also by this author:
- Sweet Levantine
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: LIBAN une histoire de cuisine familiale d'amour et de partage, by Tara Khattar
Brand: N/A
Celui qui a goûté la cuisine « maison » du Liban n’en oublie jamais le goût.

Tara Khattar, jeune cheffe libanaise talentueuse, qui vit aux États-Unis et qui a gagné l’émission américaine Chopped après avoir participé à Top Chef, en France vous invite aujourd’hui à entrer dans son intimité culinaire pour partager avec vous les saveurs si particulières d’une cuisine familiale et authentique.

Chacune des 100 RECETTES de ce livre est un hommage rendu à l’héritage que ses grands-mères lui ont légué en cuisine.

Elle a tout appris de leurs mains et elle tente, avec succès, de transmettre ce bonheur qu’elle ressent à chaque recette réalisée. Pour que chacun puisse se sentir chez soi dans n’importe quelle cuisine.

20 x 25.7 cm, 288 pages. Français. Published: 2021
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Manger Juste by Sabine Mazloum
Brand: N/A
85 recettes pour rester en bonne santé grâce à des ingrédients à la portée de chacun Mon corps est la seule chose qui m'appartienne depuis ma naissance jusqu'à mon dernier jour, alors j'en prends soin.

Ce credo de Sabine Mazloum pourrait - et devrait même - s'appliquer à chacun(e) d'entre nous. Pour venir à bout des soucis de santé qui lui gâchaient la vie, Sabine a changé son alimentation.

Manger juste, c'est-à-dire simplement, mais sans renoncer à la gourmandise, lui a permis de retrouver la santé et la joie de vivre.

Sans être nutritionniste ni diététicienne, elle s'est intéressée aux aliments que la nature a mis à notre disposition : légumes, fruits, herbes, graines... Et elle a découvert un trésor que beaucoup méconnaissent. Sait-on que le piment de Cayenne est un aliment anti-reflux? Qu'il suffit d'une pincée de poivre noir pour démultiplier les bienfaits du curcuma?

A travers des recettes aux accents méditerranéens, découvrez 180 ingrédients naturels dont 16 magiques - ail, avocat, gingembre, citron, huile d'olive, entre autres - qui, une fois adoptés, aident à garder la santé ou à soigner les petits bobos.

Passionnée de cuisine, Sabine Mazloum est mère de trois enfants, mais aussi une femme d'affaires qui doit jongler entre ses différentes casquettes, ce qu'elle fait avec aisance et astuce. Un exemple à suivre pour toutes celles qui veulent concilier le bien-manger et la vie active.

20.5 cm x 27 cm x 2.5 cm, French. Publication Date: March 2018
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Manoushe: Au Coeur Du Traditionnel Four À Pain Libanais, by Barbara Massaad
Brand: N/A
Barbara Abdeni Massaad's first publication Man'oushé is a journey to discover Lebanon’s favorite snack.

As every true Lebanese knows, the man'oushé has a reserved place on the country's breakfast table. But every true Lebanese also knows that this cherished national pie has the ability to be worked into every meal of the day due to its unique simple versatility.

The author introduces the first cookbook dedicated entirely to the art of creating the perfect man'oushé. With over 70 original recipes, Barbara offers you a way to enjoy these typical pies, traditionally baked in street corner bakeries, in the comfort of your own home.

One only has to flip through the pages in order to realize that this typical Lebanese creation can be as simple as an on-the-go breakfast and as intricate as a family meal.

23 x 29 cm, 200 pages, hard cover.

N.B: The book is currently only available in FRENCH.

Other recipe cookbooks by author:
- Mezze a Labor of Love

- Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry (Re-edited).
Weight: 1.66 Kgs.
Book: Mezze A Labor of Love, by Barbara Massaad
Brand: N/A
$35  $27
A book dedicated to our traditional Lebanese mezze. Barbara Massaad after her books 'Man’oushe' and 'Mouneh' continues her quest to discover and preserve our Lebanese culinary heritage.

Together with artist Pascale Hares, they create a new portrayal of food culture and identity filled with beautiful illustrations.

A true labor for both, the book Mezze: A Labor of Love promises to be a successful artsy coffee table book while remaining true to be a very informative cookbook.

19.5 x 24.5 cm, 200 pages. Date of Print: Nov 2013.

Also by this author:
- Man'oushe: Inside the Street Corner Bakery
- Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry (Re-edited).
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: Mini Recettes Culte, Manger Libanais, by Kamal Mouzawak
Brand: N/A
Une présentation de la cuisine libanaise à travers des recettes du quotidien et des focus techniques pour ne pas les rater.

15 cm x 19 cm x 3 cm, 255 pages. French. Publication Date: November 2021.
Weight: 0.8 Kgs.
Book: Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry, by Barbara Massaad
Brand: N/A
Barbara Massaad's second book, 'Mouneh: Preserving Foods for the Lebanese Pantry' (Re-edited) is a comprehensive study of traditional Lebanese food preserving methods derived from recipes produced all around Lebanon - an important aspect of Lebanese culinary heritage.

Divided into 4 seasons and consequently into 12 months, this Lebanese cookbook allows readers to seasonally produce sweet preserves, pickles, cheeses, distilled items and dried goods derived from vegetables, fruit, herbs, flowers and animal products.

Hundreds of recipes are included with lustrous photography and captivating stories—dealing with farmers and food producers.

19.5 x 24.5 cm, 592 pages. Original Date of Print: Nov 2010. Re-edited: 2018.

Also by this author:
- Manoushe: Inside the Street Corner Bakery
- Mezze a Labor of Love
Weight: 2.1 Kgs.
Book: My Sweet Book, by Maya Nahoul
Brand: Rawiya Editions
'Light desserts made easy'.

This book by Maya Nahoul has a variety of dessert ranging from oriental to western to having a combination and fusion of ingredients suitable for each person's taste and likings.

It also offers few smoothie recipes as well as vegan and gluten free recipes for persons with food intolerances.

Recipes featured: Knefeh, Sfouf bi Debs, Rice Pudding, Chocolate Mousse, and many others.

Language: English / Arabic

Format: 24 x 20 cm, 216 pages

Published: September 2019
Weight: 0.75 Kgs.
Book: Recettes de Vie 2 (en Francais)
Brand: N/A
Tous les bénéfices de Recettes de Vie 2 seront distribués à des associations caritatives venant en aide aux femmes et aux enfants.

Après le succès de la première édition de Recettes de Vie parue en 2008, Maissa Abou Adal Ghanem et Ghia Khayat Hawari ont été encouragées par leurs familles et leurs amis à poursuivre cette aventure qui a touché des milliers de personnes, et à écrire un nouveau chapitre, Recettes de Vie 2.

Les auteurs offrent à leurs lecteurs un recueil de plus de 200 recettes délicieuses et originales de cuisines variées, empreintes d’émotion. Leurs familles et amis ont partagé leurs secrets culinaires, transmis de génération en génération, ainsi que l’histoire de leurs recettes et leurs petites astuces, ce qui rend ce livre unique.

Alliant les plaisirs de la table avec la découverte de l’histoire de chaque recette, ce livre est un parfait moyen de rassemblement familial.

504 pages en couleurs et couverture rigide. Date d'impression: 2014.

Also available in English
Recettes de Vie 2 (English Version)
Weight: 2.5 Kgs.
Book: Recettes de Vie 2 (English Edition)
Brand: N/A
A beautiful compilation of carefully picked family recipes from various cuisines, with 100% donation to NGO charities.
Culinary treasures. Humanitarian benefits.

Recettes de Vie 2 is a labor of love, a beautiful cookbook of treasure family recipes compiled by two Lebanese childhood friends with strong culinary memories. This is celebrated authors Maissa Abou Adal Ghanem and Ghia Khayat Hawari second book, following the success of the first edition, published in 2008. The collection of personalized recipes are presented by friends and family sharing culinary secrets and tips from their own kitchen.

This is not just a literary venture; it’s also a humanitarian one. 100% of all proceeds will be going to select charitable organizations in Lebanon and in the Middle East to support women and children in education, healthcare and abuse. With the support of prominent sponsors and distributors, along with strong book sales, the first volume enabled them to donate more than US$100,000 to charity where they work very closely with the groups for the highest impact donating.

Hard cover, 504 pages. Date of Print: 2014.

Also available in French
Recettes de Vie 2 (En Français)
Weight: 2.5 Kgs.
Book: Saveurs Libanaises, by Maalouf, Haidar
Brand: N/A
Par Andrée Maalouf et Karim Haidar.

Après le succès de Cuisine libanaise d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, qui s'est imposé comme la nouvelle référence pour tous les amoureux d'une cuisine libanaise de tradition aux accents de modernité, Andrée Maalouf et Karim Haïdar proposent de nouvelles recettes classiques mais aussi réinventées, comme le houmous où une partie du jus de citron est remplacée par de l'eau de fleur d'oranger.

Des recettes traditionnelles, parfois modernisées ou transformées avec créativité.

21.5 cm x 27,2 cm, 176 pages. Septembre 2015.
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: Sweet Levantine by Lara Ariss
Brand: Rawiya Editions
There is an unbeatable thrill to be found in baking, and with Sweet Levantine, her second cookbook, Lara Ariss explores the joy of creating sweet treats – something that has fascinated her since she was a child on visits to the old souk of Saida in Lebanon.

Sweet Levantine continues down the path taken in Lara’s previous Levantine Harvest with a further celebration of freshly harvested local ingredients and clever medleys of flavor.

Whether the desire is a plate of cookies to offer friends over coffee, a comforting pudding to round off an evening meal, or an elegant centerpiece to mark a significant life event, this selection of recipes will satisfy the need of any sweet tooth, and will give a sense of accomplishment and confidence to bakers of all levels of experience.

20 x 28 cm, 252 pages. Published: November 2018.

Also by this author:
- Levantine Harvest
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: The Middle Eastern Vegetarian Cookbook, by Salma Hage
Brand: N/A
A collection of vegetarian dishes influenced by Middle Eastern flavors from Salma Hage, author of the bestselling classic, The Lebanese Kitchen, also published by Phaidon.

A definitive, fresh and approachable collection of 150 traditional recipes from an authoritative voice on Middle Eastern home cooking, Salma Hage’s new book is in line with the current Western trends of consciously reducing meat, and the ancient Middle Eastern culture of largely vegetarian, mezze style dining.

Traditionally, the Middle Eastern diet consisted largely of vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, pulses, grains and legumes. Salma simplifies this fast becoming popular cuisine with easily achievable recipes, many with vegan and gluten-free options.

Drawing inspiration from ancient and prized Phoenician ingredients, from grassy olive oil to fresh figs and rich dates, this book offers an array of delicious breakfasts and drinks, mezze and salads, vegetables and pulses, grains and desserts. Salma shows how to easily make the most of familiar everyday fruits and legumes, as well as more exotic ingredients now widely available outside of the Middle East, with nourishing recipes so flavourful and satisfying they are suitable for vegetarians and meat-eaters alike.

272 pages. Date of Print: 2016.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: The Rural Taste of Lebanon by Cherine Yazbek
Brand: N/A
The book is a cultural and a gastronomic delight. It maintains the authentic flavor of the Middle East with precise recipes that suit Western lifestyles and kitchens. It is a valuable guide to the incredible diversity of Lebanese cookery. Over 200 recipes include little-know farmers’ recipes as well as classics from the Lebanese kitchen.

Published in 2013.
Weight: 1 Kg.
Book: Unjunk, How to Raise ... by Bernadette Abraham
Brand: Turning Point
"Unjunk, how to raise healthy eaters in a processed world".

In a world where the food industry values profit over public health, parents face a tremendous challenge raising healthy eaters. Driven by the continual temptation to consume junk food and sugar, it’s no wonder society is facing a health crisis. Thankfully, there are rational voices trying to turn the tide. UNJUNK: How to Raise Healthy Eaters in a Processed World is a catalyst for change and a go-to resource for parents wanting to empower themselves and their children to make healthier food choices.

Health advocate, practitioner, and social media influencer Bernadette Abraham, educates the reader on the food industry, and explains which foods to avoid, which to encourage, and how to transition to healthier eating. Her practical approach, with feeding strategies and budget in mind, recipes, and even puzzles and games for children, offers a comprehensive and entertaining platform for change.

She provides guidance on how to UNJUNK your kitchen, buy, and prepare the most balanced health-giving foods, acknowledging the inevitable resistance these changes summon. Complete with proven strategies on how to overcome negative outside influences and make a collective difference, her debut book helps you break free from society’s afflicted food culture and gives you the confidence to transform your family’s nutrition and overall health.

Published: December 2022.
Weight: 0.66 Kgs.