ONLINE SHOPPING . worldwide delivery from Lebanon .         phone 24/7:   +961 3 602405
Bann bil Hal (Roasted Coffee 3.6 Kg Special Offer)
Brand: Cafe Super Brasil, Lebanon
$158 Delivered -> (Goods: $83 + Ship: $75)
This product: price includes shipping worldwide!
Vol. Discount: $75 for 2 units or more
Vol. Discount: $70 for 5 units or more
Delicious Lebanese coffee with cardamom in 20 packs of 180 g each. Net Weight: 3.6 Kg.

You may be interested in:
- Coffee Cups

• 100% pure roasted and ground Brazilian coffee beans

• Triplex packaging for guaranteed freshness

• Latest production, for optimum freshness
Weight: 4 Kgs.
• 100% pure roasted and ground Brazilian coffee beans

• Triplex packaging for guaranteed freshness

• Latest production, for optimum freshness