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Enjoy our curated selection of distinguished products:
Book:  Seasons of Lebanon by Jamal Saidi
Brand: Turning Point
$40  $30
Lebanon: Four Seasons is an entrancing visual journey that presents the uncovered beauty found in the four seasons of the Mediterranean gem that is Lebanon.

Captured through the lens of renowned Lebanese photographer Jamal Saidi, these vivid images tell the story of a precious natural heritage to be cared for, cherished, and shared with the world.

While much of Lebanon’s beauty is boldly visible, far more lies hidden from the hustle and bustle of humanity, awaiting discovery. Lebanon’s Four Seasons showcases how much the people of Lebanon have to be grateful for, and how much nature helps to define what it truly means to be Lebanese.

24 cm x 28.5 cm, English, 2017.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Delia - A Survivor's Story by Ariana Papazian
Brand: Turning Point
On August 4, 2020, sixteen-year-old Ariana was spending the day with her friend and her family in her Beirut apartment. It was a normal day for a normal teenager. But, at 6.10pm a cataclysmic blast ripped through the nearby port of Beirut; destroying her apartment, and killing her beloved mother, Delia. In a second, Ariana’s safe world was turned upside down.

Delia is the heart rending and visceral story of the chaotic aftermath of the blast and how Ariana gradually rebuilds her life. She recounts how she survives the explosion, escapes her devastated apartment, and reunites with her family in a shattered Beirut.

Over the following months, grief stricken Ariana slowly adjusts to her new life without her mother’s guiding hand. She returns to her apartment and to school, she faces her mother’s memorial service, and milestone birthdays. She finds solace and healing through writing about her experiences, in her honest and direct style.

This is a universal tale of survival and stoicism, seen through the eyes of a young girl, mature beyond her years, with the courage to lay bare her soul and heart.

14 cm x 21 cm, 128 pages.
Published: April 2022
Weight: 0.26 Kgs.
Book: Humor Bundle of 4
Brand: Turning Point
$50  $45
This bundle of four humor titles will get you, your friends and family laughing out loud. Enjoy humorous anecdotes on family relations, history and crazy tales about food and drinks in Bet You Didn’t Know This About Beirut.

Take a closer look at Lebanon, a small country with big flavor; in You know you’re Lebanese when… with its humorous and light-hearted (bilingual Arabic, English) insight into the wonderful world of Lebanese and their rule-breaking tendencies and enormous egos.

In The Abou Abed Joke Book 2, Abou Abed, with his famous tarbouche and moustache delights us with his escapades. He spends his time in a Beirut coffee shop with his friend Abou Steif, where they tell each other far-fetched stories over endless cups of tea.

Witness Em Abed as she rises to stardom, turning the tables on the legacy of Abou Abed in Em Abed’s Revenge. With a compilation of thirty side-splitting jokes, this time, Em Abed is the starlet and most of the time Abou Abed is the punch line – or the punching bag!
Weight: 1.2 Kgs.
Book: Lebanon: Beauty Beyond Belief by Jamal Saidi
Brand: Turning Point
Uncover the compelling beauty of Lebanon’s breathtaking natural landscapes, cherished traditions and vibrant lifestyle through this generous coffee table book.

A powerful visual and textual memento of our Mediterranean nation, seated at the crossroads of Africa, the Middle East and Europe, through the lens of renowned photographer Jamal Saidi.

28.5 x 24 cm, 152 pages, English. Date of Print: December 2012.
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Raw With Love by Malak El Halabi
Brand: Turning Point
Raw with Love is a collection of poetry and prose about the bermuda triangle of lust, love and loss.

The book is divided into three chapters, with each chapter being both a knife and an open wound.

Raw with Love takes its readers through a journey that brings them back to their first untamed cry.

Format: 80 pages, 14 cm x 21 cm, English

Published: April 2020.
Weight: 0.25 Kgs.
Book: Teta s Wisdom, by Hiba Chaarani.
Brand: Turning Point
Recipes by Anissa Helou.

Teta’s Wisdom is a pocket-sized book filled with colorful illustrations and bilingual content that gives you a glimpse into teta’s world of sayings, traditional recipes, and valuable tips for maintaining cleanliness and wellbeing.

14 x 14 cm, 64 pages. Release Date: July 2010.
Weight: 0.14 Kgs.
Book: Trust Your Journey By Sana AlBuainain
Brand: N/A
Trust Your Journey is a collection of thought provoking daily inspirations, guiding you to connect with your soul’s purpose, to live the best version of yourself and to better understand your mind, body, and heart connection. The perceptive messages are grouped within six chapters; Letting Go, Beginning, Dreaming, Connecting, Loving and Becoming. Each inspiration is followed by self-connecting questions that can be practiced in your day-to-day life.

Written by Dr. Sana Albuainian, whose life philosophy gained through many years of professional and personal challenges and growth, meshes principles of self-development, spirituality, and mindfulness. Her inspiring words encourage you to reach for your dreams, to discover your true calling, to trust your intuition, and to follow an authentic and fulfilling life journey.

Whatever your role, your pathway in life, or your personal philosophy, Trust Your Journey, challenges you to look deep within yourself and uncover the transformative power of soul alignment.

180 pages. Date of Release: April 2021.
Weight: 0.5 Kgs.
Book: Unjunk, How to Raise ... by Bernadette Abraham
Brand: Turning Point
"Unjunk, how to raise healthy eaters in a processed world".

In a world where the food industry values profit over public health, parents face a tremendous challenge raising healthy eaters. Driven by the continual temptation to consume junk food and sugar, it’s no wonder society is facing a health crisis. Thankfully, there are rational voices trying to turn the tide. UNJUNK: How to Raise Healthy Eaters in a Processed World is a catalyst for change and a go-to resource for parents wanting to empower themselves and their children to make healthier food choices.

Health advocate, practitioner, and social media influencer Bernadette Abraham, educates the reader on the food industry, and explains which foods to avoid, which to encourage, and how to transition to healthier eating. Her practical approach, with feeding strategies and budget in mind, recipes, and even puzzles and games for children, offers a comprehensive and entertaining platform for change.

She provides guidance on how to UNJUNK your kitchen, buy, and prepare the most balanced health-giving foods, acknowledging the inevitable resistance these changes summon. Complete with proven strategies on how to overcome negative outside influences and make a collective difference, her debut book helps you break free from society’s afflicted food culture and gives you the confidence to transform your family’s nutrition and overall health.

Published: December 2022.
Weight: 0.66 Kgs.
Book: Wander Beirut by Lynn Soubra, Guidebook
Brand: Turning Point
Illustrated and Designed by Yasmine Darwiche.

What to drink, eat, visit and shop.

Beirut is, undoubtedly, one of the most talked about cities in the world. It continuously births vivid stories that become the subject of worldwide discussion.

From the tumultuous Civil War era and political discordances that shape its legacy, to the more recent triumphant cultural expressions led by talented thinkers and artists, the small city of Beirut is a tireless creator of far-reaching anecdotes that demand to be examined and explored.

Lynn and Yasmine, two locals and dear friends, joined forces to co-create this guidebook, a product of their mutual appreciation and love for the capital.

Format: Paperback, 224 pages, 14 x 21 cm

Published: May 2019
Weight: 0.33 Kgs.
Books: Bundle by Fatima Sharafeddine, for Children
Brand: Turning Point
Stories from around the world. Bundle of five traditional stories from China, the Celtic civilization, Greece, Brazil and Japan.

Book 1: ورقة القيقب الحمراء
Book 2: قيثارة الملك
Book 3: حكاية قفص
Book 4: أميرة في صندوق
Book 5: الرجل الذي يجعل أشجار الكرز تزهر

Language: Arabic
Format: 24 cm x 35 cm
Weight: 1 Kg.
Bundle: برقوق , أنا الشدّة, أنا النقطة , for Children
Brand: Turning Point
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

أخطاء برقوق أصبحت كثيرة، خصوصًا بعد أن أخذ المركبة من دون إذن وتنقّل بها بسرعة في الفضاء وأرعب الجميع. يقرّر والده أن يرسله في مهمّة إلى كوكب فوضاوات وبالتّحديد إلى منطقة على ذوقي على أن يكتشف مهمّته هناك. لا تنفع توسّلات برقوق ووعوده ويضطرّ إلى الانطلاق إلى الكوكب المعروف بأوضاعه الصّعبة. ماذا يكتشف برقوق هناك وماهي مهمّته؟ هَلْ يََنْجَحُ في تَنْفيذِها وَكَيْفَ؟ كتاب يتميّز بنصّ طريف ورسوم جميلة، يضيء على مشكلة رمي النّفايات، ويشجّع على المحافظة على بيئة نظيفة كما يركّز على أهميّة فرز النّفايات وإعادة التّدوير.

أنا الشدّة
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

كتاب ضمن السّلسلة يتكلّم عن اهميّة الشدّة في اللغة العربيّة في حين أن الأولاد في سنينهم الدراسيّة الأولى قد ينسون وضع
الشدّة او يعتبرونها غير مهمة. ففي هذه القصّة الشدّة تكون هي الاقوى وتبرز اهمّيّتها عتد الحروف والكلمات أنّها تجعل
الحرف أشدّ وأقوى

أنا النقطة
تأليف: ليلى زاهد
رسوم: أنجيلا نربتليان

كتاب ضمن السلسلة عن النقطة ودورها في اللغة العربية وعن قدرتها على تغيير المعنى بتغيير مكانها أو حذفها. ويميّزه أسلبه
الفكاهي والسلس للأطفال

Weight: 1.25 Kgs.