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Enjoy our curated selection of distinguished products:
Book: Levantine Harvest by Lara Ariss
Brand: Rawiya Editions
$47  $43
Extensive research led Lara Ariss to decide on the Levantine cuisine as the topic of her first cookbook. The choice was rather obvious given Lara’s Lebanese roots and her appreciation for fresh fruits and harvest, and the balanced food that abound in the Levantine cuisine.

The topic of Levantine Cuisine being wide,
Lara chose to tackle it from a specific angle — that of seasons. Furthermore, Lara’s extensive study of
Levantine recipes led her to realize that recipes are written in complex steps and language that need an
update that speaks to the modern lifestyle.

Hence, in addition to the seasons, Lara decided on simplicity:

-'Hummus With Sun-Dried Tomato Confit: Hummus bi Tahini is probably the best-known Middle
Eastern mezze staple, a creation of Levantine and Egyptian Arabs. In this recipe, I have moved away from the traditional Lebanese topping — fried chopped or minced lamb meat with pine nuts and olive oil — to
an equally delicious, vegetarian friendly-version.'
(P. 72).

-'Pumpkin Kebbeh: This popular vegan version of kebbeh, which does away with fresh minced lamb,
was initially created for lent. In the past, preparing kebbeh was a laborious process that involved pounding the main ingredient, usually the meat, and the burghul (cracked wheat) in a mortar and pestle.' (P. 132).

208 pages. Published in 2016.

Also by this author:
- Sweet Levantine
Weight: 1.25 Kgs.
Book: My Sweet Book, by Maya Nahoul
Brand: Rawiya Editions
'Light desserts made easy'.

This book by Maya Nahoul has a variety of dessert ranging from oriental to western to having a combination and fusion of ingredients suitable for each person's taste and likings.

It also offers few smoothie recipes as well as vegan and gluten free recipes for persons with food intolerances.

Recipes featured: Knefeh, Sfouf bi Debs, Rice Pudding, Chocolate Mousse, and many others.

Language: English / Arabic

Format: 24 x 20 cm, 216 pages

Published: September 2019
Weight: 0.75 Kgs.
Book: One Flew Over the Cuckoos, by Elio Sassine
Brand: Rawiya Editions
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Land - Le Liban à vol d'oiseau.

One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s land présente des photographies aériennes du Liban prises par drone et qui donnent à voir une diversité étonnante de paysages sous des aspects peu connus.

A travers cet ouvrage, le lecteur découvre un pays « autre », éloigné des clichés véhiculés par les photos de guerre ou de vacances, dont la richesse se trouve
dans une rencontre souvent décalée entre une nature sauvage, une urbanisation galopante, des ruines livrées à elles-mêmes.

En ressortent des images atypiques, des géométries variables, des villes, des villages, des ports,
des vallées, des montagnes, méconnaissables. Au-delà de la valeur artistique de ces photos, certaines primées internationalement, c‘est avant tout un regard curieux, amoureux, aventurier pour un pays qui ne cesse d’étonner et de se dévoiler nouveau avec chaque cliché, que le lecteur découvrira.

Le livre de Elio Sassine cache également un autre engagement, toujours pour le Liban : celui de venir en aide aux enfants touchés par la guerre.

Format: 28,5 cm x 24 cm, 208 pages.
Language: French / English
Published: November 2018
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.
Book: Sweet Levantine by Lara Ariss
Brand: Rawiya Editions
There is an unbeatable thrill to be found in baking, and with Sweet Levantine, her second cookbook, Lara Ariss explores the joy of creating sweet treats – something that has fascinated her since she was a child on visits to the old souk of Saida in Lebanon.

Sweet Levantine continues down the path taken in Lara’s previous Levantine Harvest with a further celebration of freshly harvested local ingredients and clever medleys of flavor.

Whether the desire is a plate of cookies to offer friends over coffee, a comforting pudding to round off an evening meal, or an elegant centerpiece to mark a significant life event, this selection of recipes will satisfy the need of any sweet tooth, and will give a sense of accomplishment and confidence to bakers of all levels of experience.

20 x 28 cm, 252 pages. Published: November 2018.

Also by this author:
- Levantine Harvest
Weight: 1.5 Kgs.